Monday, July 2, 2012

Filled with Blessings

"It is a beauteous evening, calm and free..." wrote Wordsworth over two centuries ago. His description fits this evening, which has followed a day with many highlights. Beginning early this morning, I taught classes and tutorials for two groups of students at Southern: it's the start of my seventh year with the ConnCAS program. My assistant Katie and I wrestled with many technology glitches but were happy to note that the young women and men in the classes were cooperative.

Today, too, I fed Hobbes, Watson, Fuzzle, Sam, Rosie, Molly, and Mogs, our indoor cats; Trio, our neighbor's old and ailing cat who stops by daily for some tuna juice; and Astro, a shy young stray who comes here for meals (see pic).

I also fed uncounted squirrels and birds and Whistlepig, our small resident groundhog (no pic yet). I may be a cat- and squirrel-whisperer, but I haven't learned the technique on marmots, yet.

We made a colorful and tasty dinner of caprese salad, black bean and corn salad, raspberry-mint-balsamic lemonade, and a glass of Chianti.

For dessert Allan and I each ate a peach and an oatmeal molasses cookie (recipe in preceding post).
I've listened to a cardinal, a mockingbird, lots of cat "talking," and a Bach cantata: one movement with a flute and violin duet was tender and especially lovely.

Once I'd finished writing the week's major assignment, I had a chance to sit in the afternoon sunshine with the book I'm devouring, William Shirer's Berlin Diary 1934-1941...a fascinating up-close view of the era.

Some days overflow with blessings.